Senior Pastor Andrew Olowu’s Profile
Pastor Andrew is one of the trustees of COSEC Ministries Int’l. The church has been in existence since 1997. Pastor Andrew is the chairman of the church worldwide. His ministry encompasses preaching, counseling, teaching, and helping the poor
After a successful career as a qualified chartered accountant, he obtained a diploma and a degree in Theology
During his working life in a secular job, he co-founded a Christian Fellowship and became the president. The fellowship touched many lives.
Pastor Andrew has been invited at various times to preach or minister in other churches that are friends of COSEC Ministries.
He has conducted funeral, baptism, and marriage ceremonies and administered Holy Communion at other times.
He is the driving force behind the youth Ministry, leading and encouraging young people into ministry. He has a unique passion for seeing the youth of our community progress and prosper through his counseling sessions and youth bible studies.
His role as a senior pastor has also involved the leading of COSEC Fellowships and bible studies, which have impacted the lives of members worldwide. His topics are thought-provoking and have caused many to work on developing an intimate relationship with Christ.
Pastor Andrew is happily married, with three children and eight grandchildren.